Friday, June 11, 2010


Well, I've had a Deviantart account for about two years now; however, it has been exceedingly neglected, due to the fact that I do not possess a large amount of artistic talent (aka: I can't draw/paint for shit).

On the other hand, I know how to write up a coherent sentence and I know the basics of Photoshop Elements. So, I therefore think to myself: "Hey, why not visit that good old Deviantart account I had once upon a time, in a land far far away?"
So I subsequently visited this account and posted a couple of scraps which I personally thought were marginally better than some of the other crap I see over Deviantart. Some of my posted works include this (attempted) coloured image of Audrey Hepburn:

Don't laugh, fool! You totes wish that you had my colourising skills!
Anyway, other lame works include my crappy creative writing story for English (which I shockingly did well in) and some colour splashes.
But, yeah... this is all part of my attempt to become a cool deviantart kid. =DDD

Here's me link:
(it's a bit lonely at the moment. Please cheer it up. Kthnksbye.)

über und heraus,
Nadine xx

Monday, June 7, 2010

The beauty of absence;

I know I've been exceedingly negligent when it comes to blogging (bite me)... However, I have been quite effective in finding new fascinations to ease my stress regarding school and all the woes, traumas and heartbreaks it miserably bestows upon me. Therefore, this subsequently makes this very special post dedicated to all my (current) favourite things. *skips around, whistling numbers from The Sound of Music*

o.o" Anyway... here they are:

The Romanov Children

Ariel from The Little Mermaid
Image by

Brigitte Bardot

Unicorns (and this image)
Photograph taken by

Betty Grable

and others...
...which aren't as worthy as these gems.
However, as much as I love these, I really can't be bothered expressing my fondness towards each in full detail... so therefore I'll just try to sum them up one by one in a single sentence (or lack thereof):
Romanov kiddies: They're tragic, innocent and mysterious.
Ariel: She's a redhead, a mermaid and a singer.
WWII: A disastrous yet riveting period of history.
Brigitte Bardot: She's a babe and an animal rights activist.
Unicorns: They're lovely (especially in that photo *nosebleed*)
Betty Grable: She's a babe and THE WWII pinup.

Anyway, chances are that I'll be writing up individual posts on each of these figures/topics (if I'm bothered)...
Well, there isn't much left to say, so I'm going to go improve upon my French accent (maybe then I'll look at least a bit like Brigitte Bardot).

Over and out,
Nadine xx

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

In the shape of a heart;

I have decided that the "Prettiest Lips of All Time Award" goes to:

Clara Bow

Exceedingly random topic... but they're so prettily heart-shaped that not admiring them would be quite difficult...
and, no. It's not how she's contoured her lipstick, it is her natural lip shape. Visit Wikipedia, bitches.

Anyway, I know how much you've all missed me and my obsessive compulsive posting disorder, but the truth is... the words
normal life and school just don't go into the same sentence anymore. So please munchkins, bare with me.

Over and out,
Nadine xx

Sunday, April 11, 2010

I would rather be... blind;

So recently, I've had a pretty intense craving for a bit of weird and kooky film lovin'. This is not for any particular reason... I guess it's just for the sake of me proving to people that I am weird and kooky... Try hards rock, okay! Anyway, one film - which certainly fits this category - has caught my wandering eye. It goes by the name of Repo! The Genetic Opera:

Now... I have yet to see this film, and yes, you may spoil it if you have seen it, in reason that I have read the entire plotline... Yes, I know... I'm a curious snitch... and I wanted to know why, for fuck's sake, Paris Hilton was casted.

Anyhow, the story is set in the near future (roughly, 40 years from now) and it's about the endeavours of a company named Geneco, which happens to be a Saviour to the vast amount of people who have suffered from organ failure. However, if you miss a payment for your replaced organ(s), there is no repossession... only a blood-thirsty assassin (Repo Man) hired to exterminate you. So, this film is pretty much about the way in which Geneco has affected the life of one of their Repo Men, Nathan, and his teenage daughter, Shiloh.

Okay, so judging by what IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes have told me, it isn't an uh-mazing film... BUT, in disparity, a lot of people have told me that it's quite extravagant, although you have to watch it with the proper mindset... don't really know what the proper mindset is, but OKAY.

On the other hand, I'm not really one who takes to heart the words of a critic, due to my strange and unpredictable taste in film. Therefore, I'm going to watch this horrific rock opera musical in order to see what it's like visually, as I already know what the story is... and I like it. =)

OH, and I've listened to the soundtrack. It. Is. Epic. So, to give you a taste of the film, I am not going to post the trailer, BUT, instead, I am going to post some of the musical numbers, because I feel that they actually present a huge amount of the film's nature. So, here are a few of them (Note: the embedding is disabled for all of these videos, so unfortunately, you have to pick up you're lazy keister and click on the links):

Sarah Brightman, who I love, is in all of these numbers and, just like that, they've been made even more epic.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed all of those videos!
Now, excuse me while I go do some school work. *Bangs head on desk, again*
Nadine xx

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

No, I have no regrets;

I am overjoyed because I found this exact CD for $9.99:

Can anyone say
bargain? Seriously man, it's Edith Piaf for ten bucks. Now I'm glad to say that I am one happy chappy. Edith Piaf + Earphones = Nadine like this: XD

Anyway, I'll talk about the CD further once I have transferred it to my itunes.
Over & out,
Nadine xx

P.S: The title of this post; No, I have no regrets is a lyric from her song Rien De Rien translated to english. =)