Now, before I actually decided to start a blog (a decision made five minutes ago), I was actually thinking of making my own actual vlog series. This is for several reasons:
- I have a lot to say
- I am a somtimes active member of YouTube
- I admire prosperous vloggers and enjoy watching them do their thing
But, alas. Things such as this just cannot be, due to me not having enough patience, my face being hardly worthy of appearing on a video every week AND my improv skills are rather questionable. So, if ever I upload a video to youtube, it would be a montage or one that I've simply edited. Yes, I do love editing and I'm extremely ambitous to learn the skill of creating crossovers using complicated Sony Vegas tools such as Cookie Cutter. =/
Okay, I may be new to this, but I'm assuming that one's first blog is always an introductory one... No? Righty, well regardless of what other people's first blogs are like, mine's just going to be a boring introduction without anything too intense.
Anyway, I've stated my name, my age and of course, my favourite film, but here are some other fascinations and fixations of mine that you may find slightly interesting:
- I have a cat named Socks and a cockatiel named dork
- I wish to have, by the end of the year, a miniature pug named Ludo
- I derived my blog title and username from a song called The Escapist by Nightwish. They were talking about a nightingale in a golden cage, so I changed it a bit. ^^
- I've got an obsession with eyeshadow, especially strangely given eyeshadow shade names
- I wish to buy this Bobbi Brown eyeshadow, obscurely named 'Burnt Sugar'. It's $44. Wah.
- Lord of the Rings is my anti-drug
- I love watching, analysing and critiquing film, though I may not be very experienced
- I enjoy laughing and also making people laugh, just because laughing is possibly the most joyous thing one ever does
- Hugh Laurie and Michael C. Hall are babes. Period.
- I love animated Disney classics such as Snow White, The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Pinocchio
- When you find me watching television, I'm watching LOST, House, Dexter and good Britcoms such as Blackadder or Fawlty Towers
- Audrey Hepburn is my idol
- My most beloved colours are a tie between Gold and Silver
- I talk Arabic
- I loooove hairbows!
- I like weird people
- My favourite foods are Mexican and Sushi
OH and my mother got sick, therefore I had no ride to greet my dear friend Caroline at the airport after arriving from her annual Italian trip. Now I just feel like crap because I have a sick mother and a friend I have failed.
Anyway... Till next time. Toodles!
Nadine xx
you're right.
ReplyDeletetotally hot for hugh laurie.
Epicest babe. <3