Thursday, February 11, 2010

Rant + MV of the week!

Hello to all my loverly friends.

Yep, you guessed it. It's 'MV of the Week' time! but before I get one with that, I think I may just tell you a bit about the personal aspect of my week... Well, besides the school work and the inevitable exhaustion involved, I've actually been in this infamous mood where the slightest or smallest issues just consternate me, and I think it may actually be affecting the people around me. Now, I can't help the fact that I've had little patience as of late, but, unfortunately, I feel that I have been patient for a bit too long, so now I believe that the time is right to say how I really feel.

I've had enough of people taking and never giving anything back, whilst at the same time expecting to be given more. I just feel like if I don't answer to someone's plea, I'll be hated for the rest of my life, or rather the rest of the week until they have something else to ask me for. I don't have 50 000 hands, I just can't do everything you ask of me and, yes, I can say no. You're not pleased with that? Well then, excuse my French, but you can all find someone else to fuck up.

Now, chances are that I am a selfish cow with psychological issues who's possibly dreamt this all up, and if that it is the case, my sincerest appologies... but right now, I just feel like I need a good whinge to shake me out of this horrible mood.

Anyway, on to a slightly different note, the MV of this week is also a bit sad and bittersweet (like myself, seeing as I've had a good day, but a horror-filled week). This gem of a vidlet is made by a user named Jonnyzkool92 and he has dedicated it to the wonderful women of... LOST!

Okay, so those who know me quite well will certainly know that I have been going on about the final season premiere of LOST all damn week and when I had actually watched it, I came back to school the next day with jizz stains on my kilt... Okay, no I didn't, but that's just my way of saying that it was quite good, therefore I feel the MV of this week should be one that revolves around LOST.

Anyway, Jonnyzkool92 is actually an avid LOST fan-vidder and I'm quite familiar with his work, which is exceptionally good, specifically this video. The main reason for this is because I feel that LOST has the best ensemble of cast members and characters in modern day television, specifically it's female cast, who I think portray their characters' emotions and personas fabulously. Jonnyzcool92 has brought together all the tension, bitterness, joy, spite, fear, confusion, hurt and relief felt by these women, and has merged them in order to create a masterful video, presenting the story of every single woman, major to minor, who has somehow elevated the plot of LOST.

...and dare I say that this is actually what I loved most about this video? In all honesty, I've grown just a tad sick and tired of seeing all these Skate, Suliet, Jacket and Jate videos, which only focus on the realtionships rather than the emotional depth of the characters. This video, on the other hand, has it all. If you want to go on a visual journey from love to hate, from joy to anger, from hope to despair, from courage to fear and from life to death, this video will take you there. Another aspect of the video's context, which also thoroughly pleased me, is that the user included so many underrated characters that I personally love. An example of this would be the short but sweet inclusion of the likes of Libby, Penny, Charlotte, Nadia and, my personal favourite, the mother-daughter realtionship between Danielle and Alex. *tear*

On to a more technical note, the video had uh-mazing colouring. I really quite liked how the user constantly mainpulated different colour tones and contrasts to match the tension in the atmosphere of the scene or the mood of the character. One distinct use of colour I like is the scene with Juliet burning herself with a muffin tray, resulting in a memory of Ben doing the same thing without being physically harmed. The memory is shown in grey-scale and the aftermath of the memory is Juliet frustrated with her clumsiness, therefore the scene's colour tone is changed to an orange-twinge in order to signify Juliet's anger.

The user also did a fantastic job with the cutting and editing by choosing all the scenes capable of having an emotional impact on the viewer, as well as the song choice which also intensified the video's meaning. Breathe Me by Sia is prossibly one of the saddest songs I've ever heard and it really matches a lot of the situations our LOST ladies are going through. Sia performs the song magically, making her pain and anguish believable through the haunting cracks in her voice and the hopelessness of the lyrics, which the user has masterfully used to go with the situation in each clip or scene, therfore making the song ideal for the video.

In conclusion, I give it 5 out of 5, due to the fact that the user has captured the right emotions and edited it immaculately. If you are not a LOSTie, do not fear, this video is uh-mazing and I firmly believe that you do not have to watch the show in order to feel something towards this work of art. BUT, once again, this is only my opinion and I'll leave it for you to judge:

Thanks people! Over and out.
Nadine xx

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