Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Audrey Hepburn;

Yes, you fads. She deserves a post of her own:

Aren't Audrey and Gregory just the cutest? I think they should've made babies.
Anyway, Audrey Hepburn is pretty much my idol in every single way. She's poised, she's elegant, she's got a fabulous fashion sense and she's a rather decent actress. To be honest, it's not really her acting that makes me love her with such a depth, as I admittedly think that actresses such as Vivien Leigh, Bette Davis and Katherine Hepburn are far more superior. BUT, I still firmly believe she's a great actress and I don't think they'll ever cast a better Eliza Doolittle.

Overall, it's Audrey's charm and poise which really makes her my favourite 'Golden Age' Hollywood starlet. Not to mention that she's the lead in quite a few of my favourite films (Roman Holiday, Sabrina, My Fair Lady, War and Peace, etc...).

Well, that's it from me. I'm going to go lay my head down, due to the aftermath of the english exam I just had.
Over and out,
Nadine xx

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